COBOLagency, solutions for legacy systems in the AI era

COBOLagency is the go-to partner for businesses seeking reliable, scalable, and efficient solutions. The company's expertise in COBOL development is unmatched, and its commitment to excellence is unwavering. Whether it's developing custom COBOL-based solutions or providing expert consulting services, COBOLagency is the trusted partner for businesses seeking to succeed in an ever-changing world. We take the best of the past and combine it with the latest advancements in AI to create something truly innovative.


To modernize and maintain old technologies by leveraging them with new technologies. We take the best of the past and combine it with the latest advancements in AI to create something truly innovative.  We're committed to staying ahead of the curve, leveraging the latest technologies and innovative approaches to deliver exceptional results.


Empowering businesses to extend the life of their COBOL-based systems, ensuring continued success and growth through exceptional COBOL development services. We're dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that drive results and exceed our clients' expectations.


"Revolutionize legacy systems 

by merging timeless strengths with cutting-edge AI, 

unlocking innovative solutions 

that drive productivity and progress."

Our Team

Jean Luc Barbier

Founder & CEO


Hugo Angel

Founder & CTO


The story of COBOLagency!

It’s a tale of serendipity, innovation, and a passion for problem-solving. It all began at a chance meeting between a senior engineer and a young entrepreneur at an AI networking event. The senior engineer, a seasoned veteran of the computing world, was struck by the young man’s enthusiasm and innovative thinking.

The young man, fueled by his passion for AI and COBOL, had an idea to create a company that would help others solve their COBOL problems and leverage the power of AI to do so. The senior engineer, seeing the potential in the young man’s idea, decided to join forces and share his wealth of hard work, knowledge and experience.

As they began to discuss their shared passion for AI and legacy technology in general and COBOL in particular, they realized that they shared a common vision...

"Revolutionize legacy systems
by merging timeless strengths with cutting-edge AI,
unlocking innovative solutions
that drive productivity and progress."

Together, they founded COBOLagency, a company dedicated to providing innovative COBOL-based solutions that leveraged the power of AI. Combining a senior engineer’s expertise and the young man’s innovative thinking, COBOLagency quickly gained a reputation for delivering exceptional solutions that met the evolving needs of its clients.

Today, COBOLagency is the go-to partner for businesses seeking reliable, scalable, and efficient solutions. The company’s expertise in COBOL development is unmatched, and its commitment to excellence is unwavering. Whether it’s developing custom COBOL-based solutions or providing expert consulting services, COBOLagency is the trusted partner for businesses seeking to succeed in an ever-changing world.

COBOLagency at a glance